Curriculum Vitae / Resume
The terminology "Curriculum Vitae / CV" and "Resume are not the same. You can read more about that here ("The difference between a CV vs a resume explained" by Michael Tomaszewski). For the purposes of this website the terms may be used universally, but when titling your document to send out, make sure it is labeled as a "Curriculum Vitale" or "CV."
One of the best CVs I have seen is the one found HERE by Dr. Adam Perler, DPM. I often use this as an example to residents how to arrange a resume. Even mine is done this way. An example of my CV can be found HERE. A simple GOOGLE SEARCH will produce templates to use a framework if you are unsure how to start the process/layout.
One of the best CVs I have seen is the one found HERE by Dr. Adam Perler, DPM. I often use this as an example to residents how to arrange a resume. Even mine is done this way. An example of my CV can be found HERE. A simple GOOGLE SEARCH will produce templates to use a framework if you are unsure how to start the process/layout.
Both the Curriculum Vitae and Resume should...
» Tailored for the specific job applying for
» Represent you as best qualified candidate
» Used to get you an interview
» Do not typically include personal interests
However, they do differ in that...
» Tailored for the specific job applying for
» Represent you as best qualified candidate
» Used to get you an interview
» Do not typically include personal interests
However, they do differ in that...
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Curriculum Vitae - The Construction
Professional / Personal References
These will be needed at some point. While putting your CV together, you should (a) target and identify the references you want to use and get their approval to be contacted so they are prepared, (b) create a separate "references" sheet with the doctors name, titles, relationship to you, office address, phone/fax, and email address to make it a one stop page for your prospective employer to contact.
Once you have a CV out and a dialogue going with a prospective employer, give your references a "heads-up" that someone may be contacting them through phone/fax/email to discuss you or send a form to fill out about you. Consider who to use…
- "Basic physician curriculum vitae outline" (via
- see web-pages Menu on the right side for CV, basic outline, style/format/submit, and mistakes to avoid
- "What makes a good CV?" by Tanja Getter (via American Academy of Family Physicians)
- "Creating a physician CV that shines" by Bonnie Darves (via NEJM Career Center)
- "References and reference letters" (via
- "The qualities of a winning physician CV" by Anish Majumdar (via PracticeLink)
- "The 5 things an employer is looking for in a resident's CV" (via AMA)
- "Creating a standout CV" (via AMA)